Bulk Storage for Pantry

Do you have an area in your kitchen that’s hard to reach? This pantry shelf was very difficult to navigate without knocking things over in front. By placing excess bulk items in the back, there’s no need to reach it until these countertop containers need refills. 

Decanting Pro Tip –

Whenever space isn’t an issue, the most efficient way to decant is usually by finding a container that not only fits the entire product, but also has an opening that allows you to easily dispense it (ask yourself - does a measuring cup need to fit inside the opening? Do I want to be able to pour from it?).

When working with limited pantry space (like this kitchen), you may find that it’s easier to store some of the product in an easy to access location, and keep the rest in an area designated for overstock (i.e. in the back of a hard to reach cabinet such as this, on a shelf in the basement, etc.).


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