about me

Hi! I’m Stacey.

From a very young age, you could find me sorting messy shelves in grocery store check-out lines, and organizing my friend’s bedrooms during playtime. As an adult, it became a passion that followed me into the working world. With every career move I’ve made, one thing has stayed the same; my passion for streamlining and maximizing efficiency.

I've always craved order and set schedules. I love planning, and I love creating systems and routines that make me feel in control of my environment. Even more – I love being able to help others do the same. Being able to help turn people’s homes or offices back into a place where they can relax or work more efficiently provides me with a great sense of accomplishment.​

I have a great deal of empathy for others, and do not pass judgment based on the condition of unorganized/messy areas. You can rest assured that I will never make you feel worse than you already do because I understand where you are coming from.

Code of Ethics I Stand By

  • I will respect my clients, their spaces, and will remain non-judgmental throughout all interactions.

    I will only provide services in areas in which I am competent and knowledgeable.

    If other professionals are needed, I will do my best to connect you with qualified individuals and/or companies.

    All fees for services will be honestly represented.

  • Any and all client information will be held with the utmost of confidentiality and will not be shared with anyone.

    Client testimonials and/or photos will only be used with explicit permission provided by the client.

  • Any and all fees associated with services will be provided upfront and never hidden.

    For any change in fee structure, a 60-day notice will be provided to existing clients and only effective towards new projects not within original agreement.

    I will not financially benefit from any products purchased and/or services recommended.