• A Professional Organizer is someone that helps you overcome clutter and disorganization by setting up simple systems that make your life less stressful and your time, more efficient.

    Here are some examples of what they will have in store for you:

    • A Fresh Perspective

    • Experience & Expertise

    • Direction & Structure

    • Motivation & Encouragement

    • A Helping Hand

    • Judgment-Free Accountability

  • A Professional Organizer not only helps you organize your mess, they create super simple systems to help you stay on track. They will be there to help you through the entire process, or, to get down and dirty and do everything themselves. They are there to sit, sort, file, de-clutter, and de-stress to help make your home a better place to live.

    A professional organizer will have the knowledge and expertise to offer you valuable insight regarding;

    • Spatial visualization & planning

    • Easy to follow systems, and the know-how to maintain them

    • Knowledge of which products will and won’t work in your space

    • Ideas that are both functional AND aesthetic

    If you find yourself questioning whether you should hire a professional organizer, think of it this way - We all choose certain things in our life to ‘hire out’. Some people hire painters to paint their house, or stylists to cut their hair. It’s the same thing when hiring an organizer.

    We all know that getting organized saves a lot of time and energy. If you don’t know how to get organized, or, you simply don’t have the time to do it, you would probably benefit from hiring a professional.

  • Literally EVERYTHING! You’ll end up with less of what you don’t want in your life, and more of what you do.

    Less stress, fewer distractions, and simpler routines –

    We all have a routine. Disorganization is simply one we’ve lost control of. Living in an environment filled with distractions affects your stress levels and overall health. Getting organized will make your life easier, and more importantly, happier. A clear space equals a clear mind.

    More time & money, and increased productivity –

    Time IS money, and a disorganized space will cost you both. Getting organized means that you will know where everything is located. You won’t have to go searching, or waste money buying what you already have or don’t need. By hiring a professional, you’ll be making an up-front investment for your life that will pay for itself time and time again. Imagine all that you’ll be able to accomplish when you know exactly where to find everything that you need.

  • I will tackle anything from your car to your kitchen pantry. Almost all areas of your home, office and vehicles are covered. You can see a full listing of areas and rooms serviced on the Services page.

  • It’s entirely up to you. If you don’t want to touch a thing, you don’t have to. I will get down and dirty, and do all the work for you. If you want to take the opposite approach, and only want guidance, I’ll coach you virtually. And anything in between. Nothing is set in stone. You make the rules.

  • Contact me here and tell me what needs to be addressed, what rooms/areas you’d like organized, and any other details you’d like to include. I’ll follow up with an email so that we can schedule a time to talk over the phone, and get a consultation scheduled!

  • When you put in a contact form, I will set up a free discovery call with you to discuss more in depth details about what you would like to accomplish with your space. Then we’ll schedule a consultation where I come to your house to see what the job entails so I can give you an idea of how long I think the project could take to complete. We will discuss what problems you have with the space, what you would like to see change, and what is currently working for you.

    One of the biggest factors to keep in mind is that everything will depend on how fast you can make decisions about what to keep and what to let go of. Another factor is unforeseen work; filing of papers, finding boxes from other rooms that need to be incorporated into the space, and even time spent reminiscing about the items can take a considerable amount of time. Know that I will go as fast or as slow as you are comfortable with. I work on an hourly rate. Whether you need someone to get in there and make quick decisions to get the job done fast, or, you need someone who will go slow with you, and coach you (judgment free) every step of the way; my services can accommodate you.

    Many people want to work alongside me while we go through items to decide what stays, goes, or needs relocating. We’ll talk about the best place and ways of storing the items so that you are able to access them with ease. We'll get your home working for you and no longer against you.

    If you can't help, you can sit with me and I will bring you things to work on and make decisions about, and you can be there to answer my questions.

    If you are too busy, or can’t be there, I can work alone. I will sort your items based on our conversation about what stays and goes during the consultation. I'll create 3 sections for; Donate, Recycle, and Trash. Nothing will go until you look thru the piles and make the final decisions.

    If you want guidance, but you can do all the work on your own, I offer virtual sessions.

  • I’m here to work with you and your schedule!

  • Absolutely! All meetings, conversations, and questions are between you and I, and no one else. To see other guidelines I stand by, please read the bottom section of my About page.

  • Please see the Services page for details.

  • Every project is different. It’s very difficult to estimate the amount of time it will take for a specific job during the initial phone conversation. That’s why I provide a 1 hour consultation (the cost of the service will be credited back to the 1st work session, if you decide to hire me) where I take pictures and measurements, and begin to formulate a plan. At this point I will be able to give you a rough estimate for how long the project could take to complete.

  • That’s okay! I require a 4 hour minimum purchase.

  • I accept cash, Paypal, Venmo & Zelle.

  • I need to take photos of the space in order to formulate a plan of action. However, I will only post before & after photos on my website or social media with your consent.

FAQs About Me

  • I opened my business in 2020, but organizing has been a life long endeavor for me.

  • You will always work with me, Stacey. I may bring a partner along with me for large jobs. But I will always be there.

  • Yes & Yes! I became certified through the Preferred Organizer Association where I remain an active member.

  • I’ve completed a 12 week training course and over 30 webinars offered through the Organizer. Club training program. I’m also an active participant of Get Organized HQ, & the Clutterbug FaceBook community. These groups and many more provide me with so much inspiration! I think it’s really important that professional organizers stay current with the latest, ever changing trends.